Meat and poultry recipes

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Hello friends, in our previous articles we talked about making dietary milk soup, 4 ways to cook a cake, ways to make different cakes and the recipe for cakes and the necessary ingredients, today’s topic is about dishes made from meat products. ladi

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Boiled meat with garnish

  • Necessary ingredients: 900 g of beef, 1-2 liters of water, raw vegetables: 1 onion, parsley, celery, carrot, bay leaf and a little salt.
  • For garnish: 250 grams of boiled carrots, 300 grams of boiled potatoes, 200 grams of pickled cucumbers, 100 grams of green peas (canned), parsley or 400 grams of fresh cucumbers, 400 grams of fresh tomatoes, 200 grams of green salad, 200 grams of mayonnaise sauce.

Preparation: Pour the previously prepared meat into boiling water and boil it over low heat. 30 minutes before it is ready, raw vegetables, bay leaves and salt are added to the soup. Cut the boiled and cooled meat into thin strips, put it on a plate and add a side dish, and put cabbage with salad on it. The sauce is served separately.

Garnish: boiled carrots, potatoes cut into small pieces, green peas, cucumbers cut into rings, parsley greens and tomatoes are needed for the garnish. Salad greens can also be added to meat.

Lamb stew with plums

  • Necessary ingredients: 1 kg of mutton, 2 onions, 1 carrot, 250 grams of plums, 500 grams of apples, 3 tablespoons of sugar, cinnamon, bay leaf, dill, parsley, black pepper, salt, 3 percent vinegar.

Preparation: Marinate the lamb for 6 hours with salt, vinegar and spices. Then put it in boiling soup or water, add onions, carrots and 1/3 of plums and simmer. At this time, you will press the remaining plums into the sugar. Cut out the center of the apples, sprinkle them with sugar and cinnamon, and bake them in the oven. You take the stewed mutton off the bone, put it in a bowl, cool it down, put plums, baked apples, and sprinkle greens on the table.

For roasting, only the lean part of the meat is used, that is, the part without meat and charvi.

Roulette made of smoked meat

Ingredients: 4 pieces of thinly sliced ​​smoked meat, 100 g of potatoes, 100 g of carrots, 100 g of beans, vegetable oil, lemon juice, mayonnaise and salt.

Preparation: boil potatoes, carrots, bean stalks in water, mash them, make a puree and cool them. At this time, mix the vegetables with vegetable oil, lemon juice and mayonnaise. You put this ingredient on the pieces of smoked meat and roll it in the form of a roulette. Serve with mayonnaise.

Fried meat with garnish

Ingredients: 900 grams of raw meat (beef, lamb or veal), 400 grams of fresh tomatoes and fresh cucumbers, 200 grams of green salad, 200 grams of gherkin sauce or pepper, vinegar sauce…

Preparation: Salt the meat, brown it on all sides and bake it in the oven until done. Cut the fried and cooled meat into small pieces, put it on a plate and put cucumbers and tomatoes cut into rings and salad leaves around the meat. The sauce is served separately.

Small rolls made of smoked meat

  • Required products: 400 grams of meat, 1 cup of cream, 30 grams of sugar, lemon juice to taste, eggs, 50 grams of ground pepper, 100 grams of apples, 50 grams of carrots.

Preparation: Whip the cream, add sugar, lemon juice, crushed ground pepper, grated apples and carrots, and finely fried eggs and mix well.

You put the prepared mixture on thinly sliced ​​pieces of smoked meat and roll it in the form of a roulette. You decorate the roll with whipped cream with ground pepper.

Smoked meat wrapped in dough

  • Necessary ingredients: 7.5 kg of smoked or boiled chicken leg, pickled cucumber, ground pepper, 0.5-1 kg of flour, water and charvi.

Preparation: Make a dough out of it and make two zuvalas from this dough. Spread one on a greased tray, put smoked or boiled meat on top, cover them with a second sheet and spread. The edges of the dough are glued together and sprinkled with water. Put the tray in the oven and cook for about 3 hours. Then you take it out of the oven and cool it, and cut it into pieces and put it on the table with pickled cucumbers or ground pepper.

Fried tongue and meat

Ingredients for meat dishes.

  • Required ingredients: 900 g of meat or tongue, 750 g of jelly, 50 g of boiled carrots, 2 eggs, parsley, 200 g of vinegar and mustard sauce.
  • To boil the meat: 1 onion, 1 parsley, celery, 1 carrot, bay leaf and salt.

Preparation: Put the meat in water and boil it over low heat you don’t 30 minutes before it is ready, add vegetables and bay leaf and salt well.

You cut the boiled meat and tongue thinly and crosswise. Pour a little jelly into a bowl or pan and let it rest. After picking pieces of meat on top of the jelly, jelly is poured again. Garnish them with boiled carrots, parsley and slices of boiled egg cut into rings. Jelly is poured over this ingredient again. The jelly should cover each piece with a thickness of 1-2 cm. Before serving the minced meat and tongue, cut it with a knife and put it on a plate and decorate it with parsley. Strain the sauce separately.

From the encyclopedia “Cooking Secrets”.

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