Hello friends, in our previous articles we talked about making various salads and dishes from eggplant, 4 ways to cook a cake and different types of salad preparation, today’s topic is a spring dish, useful properties of sumac, the role of vitamins in human life and at the same time its harm.
What kind of food is sumac and what is its composition?
Sumalak means soul juice, body strength.
Sumac is a servitamin, life-giving, auspicious food of spring. It cleans our blood, fills our body with strength, and restores our health after coming out of winter and during the “ilikuzildi” period of spring.
Scientists say that the amount of medicinal substances in cultivated wheat increases by 1.5-13.5 times, and the accumulation of natural antibiotics and growth-promoting substances increases. Wheat germ mainly consists of carbohydrate and protein. It contains vitamin C, which is very necessary for the body, along with various vitamins.

In 1936, German scientists Emerson and Evans examined the composition of wheat and found that it contained a substance called “tocopherol”. It has been confirmed that this substance is a derivative of vitamin E found in ginseng. It protects men from infertility and women from premature miscarriage.
According to doctors and scientists, sumac is a good remedy for hypertension and chronic hepatitis. It improves the composition of the blood, dilutes the blood when the vessels are narrowed, cleans the digestive tract, calms the nerves and induces sleep.
Our well-known scientist K. Mahmudov “On the day sumalak is cooked, you should not eat any other food, and only eat shi food for 2 days. If you eat other foods and drink alcohol, the healing properties of sumalak will disappear and a person may suffer from severe pain.” who stated that.

Healing and useful properties of sumac
- If sumac is eaten together with jizza bread, green tea, and fruit decoctions, it becomes more nutritious and has a positive effect on a person’s nerves.
- Pregnant women, especially those who suffer from constipation, nursing mothers will benefit if they eat it with fruit decoction. Their stomachs become smooth, and the amount of breast milk increases to a certain extent.
- Sumac can be taken differently for those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, depending on the type of illness. Those with moderate and weaker gastric juices are well tolerated.

The negative effect of sumac
- It is recommended not to consume sumac in case of stomach and duodenal diseases, chronic gastritis attacks, during the period of increased heartburn.
- When bile accumulates, sumac can have a negative effect on liver and biliary tract diseases.
- No matter how rare a sumac is, everyone should eat it only when their body requires it and is able to accept it without suffering.
Safar Muhammad from the book “Spring Healing Blessings”.