Hello friends, in our previous articles we talked about 6 types of liquid food preparation, 4 ways to cook cakes, as well as cake recipes and necessary ingredients, today’s topic will be about salad preparation methods, recipes, preparation process.
Salads consist mainly of vegetables and greens. Vegetables include cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, cabbage, bulgur, turnips, radishes, carrots, eggplants, etc. Greens include green onions, leeks, parsley, dill, cilantro, celery, lettuce, spinach, shallots, garlic, tarragon, and so on.
In addition, it is possible to add meat products, poultry, fish and seafood to salads. Prepared salads (snacks) should be put in the refrigerator for an hour before serving.
Green salad
Necessary ingredients: 500 g of green salad leaves, 100 g of green onion, 100 g of sour cream or kale, 20 g of parsley (dill) greens, 20 g of radish or tomato and salt.
Preparation: Lettuce leaves are taken, washed and cut into straws, and green onions are chopped. Vegetables are also finely chopped and carefully mixed in a bowl. Put the salad in bowls. Salt is sprinkled on top and sour cream or salad dressing is poured. Dill (shivit), parsley greens are definitely sprinkled. When serving, decorate the top with radishes or tomatoes cut into decorative shapes.
Radish can be slightly sour, so it should be kept in ice water for 20 minutes.
Green salad with cucumbers
Necessary ingredients: 200 g of green salad leaves, 400 g of fresh cucumber, 100 g of sour cream, parsley, salt to taste.
Salad preparation methods: Washed salad leaves are cut into straws. Cucumbers are cut into thin slices. Then the salad is placed on top of each other in a bowl and sprinkled with salt. Pour sour cream on top and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Then it is served on the table.

Salad made of cucumber, egg, green onion
Necessary products: 240 g of fresh cucumbers, 300 g of green onions, 2 eggs, 60 g of sour cream, 3 percent vinegar, ground black pepper, salt to taste.
Preparation: Cucumbers are cut into slices and mixed with finely chopped green onions. It is sprinkled with vinegar, salt, pepper and placed in a special salad bowl. The top is decorated with boiled egg slices. Sour cream is poured over the decorated salad.
Cucumber and radish salad
Ingredients: 500 g of fresh cucumber, 50 g of radish, 50 g of green onion, 50 g of dill, 2 eggs, 100 g of sour cream, salt to taste.
Preparation: Washed and prepared cucumbers and radishes are cut into slices or slices. Finely chop green onions and dill and mix with cucumber and radish. Sprinkle salt on top and pour sour cream. All ingredients are mixed well. It is placed in a special salad bowl. It is decorated with a boiled sliced egg and sprinkled with dill (shivit).

Tomato and cucumber salad
Necessary ingredients: 400 g fresh tomatoes, 150 g fresh cucumbers, 50 g green onions, 100 g sour cream or 100 g salad kale, salad leaves, parsley, ground pepper, salt.
Preparation: Tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into thin slices or slices. Tomatoes and cucumbers are picked one after the other in a special salad bowl. Sliced green onions are placed between these rows and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Pour sour cream or salad dressing over it. When serving, decorate with finely chopped dill and parsley.
Tomato and bulgur salad
Necessary ingredients: 400 g of fresh tomatoes, 100 g of bulgur, 100 g of apples, 50 g of regular or green onions, 150 g of mayonnaise or 100 g of salad dressing, salt and parsley.
Preparation: Prepared tomatoes are cut into pieces. Apples and bulgur are cut into straws, onions are cut into half rings, green onions are finely chopped. Chopped vegetables and fruits are sprinkled with salt in a bowl. Pour mayonnaise or salad dressing on top and carefully mix everything. When serving, it is placed in a special salad bowl and decorated with parsley.
Spring salad
Required products: 200 g of green salad, 200 g of radish, 200 g of fresh cucumber, 50 g of green onion, 2 eggs, parsley, 100 g of sour cream and salt to taste.
Preparation: Prepared green salad leaves are cut in width. Radishes and cucumbers are cut into strips, and green onions are finely chopped. all ingredients are mixed and sprinkled with salt. Pour sour cream on top and place in a salad bowl. When serving, garnish with boiled egg slices and parsley.
From the encyclopedia “Cooking Secrets”.
Red cabbage salad
Necessary ingredients: 500 g of fresh cabbage, 50 ml of 3 percent vinegar, 20 g of sugar, cinnamon, salt, 30 g of vegetable oil, parsley and 50 ml of water.
Preparation: Cut the prepared fresh red cabbage into straws, sprinkle salt on it and mix until the water comes out. Then vinegar cinnamon decoction and sugar are added.
The decoction is prepared in the following way: add cinnamon and sugar to the water, boil well, and let it rest for 30 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered through a sieve.
Put the prepared salad in a special bowl. Pour vegetable oil on top and garnish with parsley.

Salad made from sauerkraut
Required products: 500 g of sauerkraut, 50 g of fresh cranberries, 50 g of fresh apples, 20 g of sugar, 30 g of vegetable oil, 20 g of ordinary or green onions.
Salad preparation methods: Sauerkraut is chopped. Apples are separated from the peel and seeds and cut into pieces. Cranberry fruit is picked and cleaned. Mix apples and cranberries with cabbage. Put sugar and vegetable oil on it and put it in a special salad bowl. Garnished with finely chopped greens, served on the table.
Spanish salad
Required products: 200 g of bulgur, 200 g of tomatoes, 150 g of ordinary onion, 100 g of stale bread, 150 g of fresh cucumber, 200 g of yogurt or sour cream, salt and pepper.
Preparation: Bulgur is separated from the seeds and cut into straws. Tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into pieces, onions are chopped.
The dough is lightly fried in oil. All these ingredients are mixed well and yogurt is poured over it. Then salt and pepper are sprinkled according to taste.
Radish and vegetable salad
Necessary ingredients: 300 g of radish, 100 g of carrots, 100 g of fresh tomatoes, 100 g of mayonnaise or sour cream, 20 g of green onions, parsley and salt.
Methods of making salad: Prepared radishes and carrots are cut into straws. Cucumbers and tomatoes are cut into slices. Ready vegetables are mixed and sprinkled with salt. Top with sour cream or mayonnaise and finely chopped green onions. Before serving, it is decorated with parsley.
Olive salad

Necessary ingredients: 250-300 g of boiled chicken or turkey meat, 2-3 potatoes, 2 fresh or pickled cucumbers, 70-100 g of cauliflower, 2 fresh tomatoes, celery root, 2 tablespoons of canned beans, 2 onion, green peas, 100 g of sarsabl (asparagus), salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.
For kale: 1/2 cup herbs, 3 percent vinegar, 1 teaspoon sugar, pepper, salt to taste.
Sarsabl is cut lengthwise into 3 cm thickness. Cauliflower, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and poultry are cut into slices. Celery is cut into straws. A portion of boiled vegetables, poultry, green peas and beans are sprinkled with mayonnaise, salt and pepper and placed in a special salad bowl. Pour over the kale and stir.
Pieces of poultry meat are placed on a plate. Top with the remaining vegetables, lettuce and greens. If desired, you can fry the pieces of meat to decorate the salad.
Preparation of kale: vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper are mixed well to prepare kale.
Salad with fish
Required products: 90 g of fish, 55 g of potatoes, 30 g of carrots, 40 g of cucumbers, 35 g of tomatoes, 25 g of green peas, 35 g of cauliflower, 40 g of mayonnaise, 20 g of salad kale, 10 g of greens, salt , pepper and kale for fish.
Preparation: Any type of fish without small bones can be used to prepare fish salad. First they are cut into pieces. Boiled potatoes and carrots are chopped. Then it is mixed with finely chopped tomatoes and cucumbers. Sprinkle with green peas, salt and pepper. Vegetables and a portion of fish are mixed with mayonnaise and put in a salad bowl. Long pieces of fish and the rest of vegetables without mayonnaise and pieces of cauliflower are arranged around it. The top of the salad is decorated with greens.
Before serving, salad dressing is poured over vegetables without mayonnaise. Vinegar is sprinkled on top of the fish according to taste.
Carrot and garlic salad
Necessary ingredients: 500 grams of carrots, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 150 grams of sour cream or mayonnaise, 50 grams of sausage, pepper, salt, parsley.
Preparation: Prepared carrots are cleaned and passed through a large grater. Add finely chopped garlic, ground pepper, salt and mayonnaise and mix. Then it is put in a special salad bowl.
Before serving, pour mayonnaise or sour cream over the salad and garnish with sausage and parsley.
From the encyclopedia “Cooking Secrets”.