Hello friends, in our previous articles we talked about 6 types of liquid food preparation, 4 ways of baking a cake and various types of salad preparation, today’s topic will be about eggplant salad and food preparation methods, recipes, preparation process.
Steamed eggplant
Required products: 1 kg of eggplant, salt to taste, 200 ml of water, 70 g of wheat flour, 50 g of margarine, 300 g of sour cream, parsley.
Preparation: Wash and clean the prepared eggplants and cut them into 0.5 cm rings. Then put in salted water for 5 minutes. Then, after drying the water, the wheat is pressed into flour and fried on both sides. Then put the eggplants in a bowl, add a little water and sour cream, close the lid and simmer for 30 minutes. Ready eggplants are put on plates, garnished with parsley and served.
Eggplant prepared with vegetables
Necessary ingredients: 2 pieces of eggplant, 1-2 pieces of onion, 3-4 pieces of tomato, 3-4 pieces of red bulgar, 100 g of cheese, mayonnaise, salt.
Preparation: Wash medium-sized eggplants and cut them into rings of 0.5 cm. It is sprinkled with salt and fried on both sides in oiled pan. Fried eggplants are picked in a special dish and sliced onions, tomatoes and bulgur are placed on top. Pour mayonnaise over the vegetables and sprinkle with grated cheese. Put it on a special tray and bake it in an oven heated to 200-250 degrees for 20-30 minutes until it turns brown. Take it out of the oven and put it on the table.
Eggplant salad with red bulgur
Required ingredients: 2 pieces of eggplant, 2 pieces of red bulgur, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, pepper and salt.
Eggplant salad and food preparation: Eggplants are washed and cut into rings. It is sprinkled with salt and left to rest for 30 minutes. Buckwheat is cleaned of seeds and cut into straws. Peeled garlic is chopped and mixed with vegetable oil. Eggplants are squeezed. Bulgur and aubergines are mixed with oily garlic paste. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and fry. Garnished with greens, served.
Eggplants with minced vegetables
Required ingredients: 4 pieces of eggplant, 2 pieces of onion, 2 pieces of tomato, 1.5 bunches of parsley, 4 pieces of green bulgur, 4 pieces of garlic, 8 tablespoons of olive oil, 250 ml of water, 0.5 tsp. sugar, salt.
Preparation: Eggplants are washed and cut into 1 cm thick strips. A hole is made in one of the lines and the eggplants are put in cold salted water for 15 minutes.
Eggplants are fried in 3 tablespoons of olive oil for 5-7 minutes. Chopped onions are fried in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and mixed well with tomatoes, chopped parsley, salt, sugar and 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
Prepared vegetables and garlic are placed on the eggplant cut. Put it in a bowl, add 250 ml of water and boil it for 5 minutes on low heat.

Eggplant salad with lard
Necessary ingredients: 12 pieces of eggplant, 30 g of hip oil, garlic, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, ground black pepper, salt, olive oil.
Preparation: Eggplants are washed and two holes are made in each. Opened areas are sprinkled with oil and garlic and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Place the eggplants in a pan, pour vegetable oil on them and stir for 1 hour on low heat. When serving, the eggplants are cut in half, sprinkled with salt and poured with olive oil.
Cooking eggplant in the Greek way
Necessary ingredients: 2-3 pieces of eggplant, half a glass of peanuts, vegetable oil, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 100 g of mayonnaise, greens, salt.
Preparation: Eggplants are washed and cut into slices. Salted and fried in vegetable oil. Then the oil is drained. A paste is prepared for spreading on eggplants: peanuts, garlic are finely ground and mixed with mayonnaise. Apply the mixture on the eggplants and steam them. After it is ready, it is decorated with greens and served on the table.

Eggplant dish with minced meat
Necessary ingredients: 850 g of eggplant, 40 g of margarine, salt, 15 g of cheese or sourdough bread. For minced meat: 400 g of boiled beef or mutton, 250 g of boiled rice, 120 g of ordinary onion, salt, pepper.
Eggplant salad and cooking: Wash the eggplants, cut them in half, cut out the middle and salt them. Then the center is filled with minced meat and sprinkled with grated cheese and crusty bread. Spread margarine on top and bake in the oven. Garnished with greens, served.
Preparation of minced meat: the boiled meat is passed through a mincer and mixed with onion fried in margarine, boiled rice, salt and pepper.
Eggplant caviar
Necessary ingredients: 1 eggplant, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, spices, coriander, salt, pepper, 1 tomato, parsley, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
Preparation: Eggplant is washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. The onion is cleaned and chopped. Eggplants and onions are steamed in vegetable oil, sprinkled with spices, coriander, salt and pepper. Peel the tomato and cut it into small pieces. Parsley is also finely chopped. Tomatoes and parsley are mixed, put on the steamed eggplant and steamed again. Steamed vegetables are pureed using a mixer. The resulting ingredient is placed in a plate and cooled. Before serving, lemon juice is poured over it.

Boiling eggplant in garlic sauce
Ingredients: 4 eggplants, half a cup of olive oil, 3 cloves of garlic, 1/4 cup of basil leaves, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, salt, pepper.
Preparation: Garlic is peeled, cut into small pieces and fried in oil. Remove from heat and sprinkle with chopped basil, salt and pepper. Washed eggplants are cut into slices. Each of the wings is dipped in the prepared garlic sauce. The tray is smeared with olive oil, the eggplant slices are picked and placed in the oven. It is baked for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Eggplants are turned over, rubbed with garlic paste and steamed again until they become soft. After it is ready, it is sprinkled with lemon juice and served