- A range of dairy products.
- Milk soups (broth).
- Milk soup made with bread crumbs.
- Diet milk soup with breaded meatballs.
- Radish borsch with sour cream.
- Dietary milk soup with semolina flour.
- Diet milk soup with potato wedges.
- Potatoes baked raw in milk.
- Potato soup with cauliflower.
- Diet milk soup made with vegetables.
- Diet milk soup made from oats with fruits.
- Diet milk soup with potatoes and barley flour.
- Lagman with milk.
- Dietary milk soup with wheat.
- Diet milk soup with Hercules.
- Belarusian milk porridge.
- Shirgurich.
- Milk soup made with fresh cabbage.
- Potatoes baked in milk.
- Milk puree soup made in Milan style.
- Potatoes soaked in milk.
- Diet milk soup with oatmeal.
- Pumpkin soup. (turnip)
- Shirkovak.
In our previous articles, we talked about 4 ways to bake a cake, different ways to make cakes, and cake recipes and ingredients. Today’s topic: about the methods of preparing food from vegetable products necessary for the preparation of dietary milk soup in folk medicine.
In this book, when we think of diet food and proper nutrition, we think of stewed pumpkin and various salads. In fact, this is not the case, eating properly is being able to eat diet kebabs, diet pizza, meat bread, eggplant kebabs, spinach, and somsa. Otherwise, you can’t live on pumpkins and greens all your life. When you prepare and eat the dishes presented in the book, you follow certain instructions so that you do not gain weight and your body is light, this is a sign of healing.
A range of dairy products.
In our national dishes, milk and cottage cheese are mainly used to prepare sugi dishes. With the addition of other food products, milk soups, porridges (kasha), puddings, toblams, puddings, sauces and stews are made from milk. It is impossible to prepare any confectionery products and the creams that go with them without adding milk. By itself, milk is the most wonderful drink, but with its participation, other nutritious drinks and jelly are also prepared. It is also used in making ice cream from milk.
Milk soups (broth).
Milk soup can be prepared by itself or mixed with water. It can also be prepared from condensed milk (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water).
You can add rice, grain, semolina and pearl flour, pasta, potatoes and various vegetables to milk soups.
In order to preserve the beneficial properties of milk, it is not necessary to boil it for a long time. If it is necessary to boil milk in equal amounts with water, first cook the products, then add boiled milk and boil for another 2-3 minutes.
Pasta and flour products (rice, pearl barley, wheat, etc.) do not boil well in milk, so they should be boiled for 5-10 minutes beforehand. When boiling milk soups, special attention should be paid to the fact that the milk does not overheat. For this, it is necessary to rinse it in water before adding milk, using a container with a thick bottom. First dishes can be prepared not only from milk, but also from kefir, cream and yogurt.
Milk soup made with bread crumbs.
You grind the bread dough, sift it, put it on the boiling milk, heat it a little and then take it off the fire. After that, add sugar, butter and egg yolk and mix.
For soup: 1.2 l of milk, 300 g of bread crumbs, 30 g of powdered sugar, 40 g of butter and 4 egg yolks.
Diet milk soup with breaded meatballs.
Knead the bread, egg, butter and milk and spread it well. Meatballs are made from it and boiled in milk. A piece of butter is added to soups before serving.
For the soup: 1 liter of milk, 30 grams of butter, 20 grams of sugar and salt to taste. For meatballs: 0.1 l of milk to thaw the bread, 1 egg, 200 g of wheat bread, 30 g of butter.
Radish borsch with sour cream.
Cut beets, white cabbage, turnip-like onions and radish into small straws, pour a little boiled water over them and steam for 6-8 minutes. After it is ready, it is cooled, salt, cream and the remaining cold water are added. It is brought to the table and sprinkled with chopped leaves of radish and dill.
For borsch: 0.2 l of cream, 400 g of beets, 200 g of cabbage, 200 g of radish with leaves, 80 g of onion, 2 l of water, 10 g of dill and salt to taste.
Dietary milk soup with semolina flour.
Add flour or semolina to the boiling milk and mix well so that no lumps appear. Add a little egg to the prepared dough and cut it into pieces.
For soup: 80 g of flour or semolina, 20 g of butter, 2 eggs, 05, a glass of milk and milk to taste.
Diet milk soup with potato wedges.
Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water. After passing through a sieve, add butter, flour, egg and nutmeg powder and mix all the ingredients well. Prepare the dumplings and boil them in boiling milk with salt and sugar for 5-6 minutes. Before serving, you put klets on plates and add butter to boiled milk.
For soup: 0.7 l of milk, 0.25 l of water, butter, salt to taste. For dumplings: add 2-3 potatoes, 10 g of butter, 30 g of flour, 2 eggs and salt to taste.
Potatoes baked raw in milk.
Grate the raw potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze them well and prepare them in round form from 10 grams, cook them in milk with a little water and put butter on top.
For dumplings: 1 kg of potatoes, 1.5 l of milk, 20 g of butter and 1 egg yolk.
Potato soup with cauliflower.
Potatoes are boiled and passed through a sieve with boiled water. Prepared puree is mixed with chopped onion, vegetable oil, ground pepper and finely chopped cauliflower and boiled. Parsley greens and cream are added before serving.
For soup: 0.2 l of cream, 400 g of potatoes, 300 g of cauliflower, 80 g of onion, 40 g of vegetable oil, 20 g of finely chopped parsley, 1.5 l of water, salt and to taste pepper.
Diet milk soup made with vegetables.
Cut the carrots into thin slices and lightly fry them in butter. Cauliflower soaked in boiled water, potatoes cut into small pieces and fried carrots are boiled in boiled milk with water until ready. At the end, you add the chopped jandig ears, put butter on it and let it drip.
For soup: 2 l of milk, 1 glass of water, 350 g of cauliflower, 500 g of potatoes, 2 carrots, 200 g of freshly cut scallions, 40 g of butter and salt to taste.
Diet milk soup made from oats with fruits.
Take oats and put them in water and boil them over low heat. When they are ready, add milk and salt.
Mix a little and add the chopped fruits to the milk. If you are going to add beans to the soup, it is necessary to wash it in pre-boiled water and boil it in water with sugar for 5-10 minutes. Apples, peaches, plums and other dried fruits should be soaked in syrup. Add the prepared fruits to the soup together with the syrup.
For soup: 0.5 l of milk, 1 l of water, 3 tablespoons of oats, fresh or canned or dried fruits, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of butter.
Diet milk soup with potatoes and barley flour.
Boil barley flour and ground potatoes until they are half ready, add milk and boil until the potatoes and flour are soft. Before serving, you add sour cream on top.
For soup: 0.1 l of milk, 1 l of water, 60 g of barley flour, 5 potatoes, 50 g of sour cream, salt to taste.
Lagman with milk.
Put the lagman in boiling water for a few minutes and put it in the pan. After it drains, add milk to the boiling water and boil for 15-20 minutes. At the end, add lagmon, sugar, butter and salt to taste and bring to the table.
For soup: 0.1 l of milk, 100 g of lagman, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Dietary milk soup with wheat.

Rinse the wheat well in warm water and put it in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. When it’s ready, take it through a sieve, drain the water and put it in boiling milk. Add salt and sugar to taste and boil over low heat until the wheat softens.
For the soup: 1.5 l of soup, 0.5 cups of water, 120 g of flour, butter, salt and sugar.
Diet milk soup with Hercules.
Hercules is put in boiled water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Then put boiled milk, salt and sugar on it and boil it on low heat. Butter is put on it before serving.
For soup: 0.5 l of water, 1 l of soup, 150 g of hercules, salt, sugar, butter.
Belarusian milk porridge.
Flour is mixed with milk and eggs and put into boiling milk. It is boiled for 10-15 minutes, stirring regularly, then sprinkled with salt to taste, sprinkled with butter and sugar, and served.
For soup: 1.5 l of soup, 0.5 cups of water, 160 g of wheat flour, 2 eggs, 20 g of sugar, 20 g of butter and salt to taste.
Boil cleaned and washed rice on low heat for 10 minutes, then add boiling milk and make it ready. At the end, add salt, sugar and butter.
For soup: 1.5 l of milk, 1 glass of water, 100 g of rice, 200 g of butter, salt and sugar to taste.
Milk soup made with fresh cabbage.
Chop the fresh cabbage and boil it in a large amount of water with carrots and parsley roots until soft. Pour milk over it and add dill and parsley. Before serving, sprinkle with toasted flour.
For soup: 1 piece of cabbage, 6 cups of milk, 1 piece of carrot, 1 piece of parsley root, 1 bunch of dill, salt, flour and butter to taste.
Potatoes baked in milk.
Cut the cleaned and washed potatoes into small pieces, pour milk mixed with a little water (1.5 l) and boil until the potatoes soften. Peel the potato and pour it over the soup prepared above. Carrots peeled, washed and cut into straws are soaked in oil (20 g) and added to the soup, and boiled on high heat after pouring milk over it. Then remove from heat and add egg yolk mixed with a little salt and oil. A little parsley is sprinkled on top before serving.
For soup: 1 l of milk, 500 g of potatoes, 75 g of carrots, 40 g of butter, 2 egg yolks, 15 g of parsley and salt to taste are added.
Milk puree soup made in Milan style.
Prepare soup from chicken and vegetables, strain it in a separate bowl, separate the meat from the bone and put it through a mincer. Return it to the soup and boil it with 100 grams of flour mixed with cold water and salt to taste. Mix the egg yolk with cream or sour cream and add it to the soup. Grits can be served with soup.
For soup: 125 g of cream or sour cream, 400 g of poultry, 100 g of carrots, 50 g of parsley, 1.5 l of water, 2 egg yolks, 20 g of flour, 30 g of butter and salt.
Potatoes soaked in milk.
Potatoes are chopped. Then salted milk is poured over it and it rests until it becomes half ready.
For soup: 0.3 liters of milk, 950 g of potatoes, 80 g of butter and salt to taste.
Diet milk soup with oatmeal.
After washing the oatmeal, pour boiled water over it and boil it for 10-15 minutes until it thickens. Boiled milk, oil and salt are added to it and served until it is ready. It is also possible to add dry and finely chopped meat to this soup.
For the soup: 0.3 liters of milk, 40 grams of oatmeal, 0.2 liters of water, 30 grams of dried meat, 10 grams of butter and salt to taste.
Pumpkin soup. (turnip)
After washing the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut it into small pieces and boil it with water. When it is ready, it is separated from the water through a sieve. After preparing the dough, boil it in milk and mix it with the first pumpkin. Before serving, add salt, sugar and butter to taste. Rice can be used instead of flour products. In this case, rice mixed with pumpkin is boiled in milk and sprinkled with salt to taste.
For soup: 1 liter of milk, 400 g of pumpkin, 250 g of water, 100 g of wheat flour, 1 egg, salt, sugar and butter.
(second method)
Cleaned pumpkin is finely chopped or grated and put in a bowl and boiled water is poured over it. The material is steamed with the lid closed until it becomes soft, then semolina flour, salt and sugar are added and mixed well. After it is ready, add milk and boil it again. Sugar and cinnamon are sprinkled on top before serving.
For soup: 1 liter of milk, 0.5 liters of water, 500 g of pumpkin, 3 tablespoons of semolina flour, 1 tablespoon of sugar, salt and cinnamon are needed.